Citycon is a leading owner, manager and developer of shopping centres in Scandinavia. The company owns assets totaling 4.5 billion euros. Citycon is a market leader in Finland, has a strong position in Norway, Sweden and Estonia, and also owns shopping centres in Denmark.
Citycon's shopping centres are mainly located within the city, in areas where people live and work. All shopping centres are within walking distance of public transport, health care and other municipal facilities.
Citycon owns 41 shopping centres. The company also owns one retail space.
13 shopping centres are located in Finland, 15 - in Norway, 9 - in Sweden, 2 - in Estonia and 2 - in Denmark. Also in Denmark, Citycon offers rental and maintenance services for 12 shopping centres. During the year, Citycon shopping centres are visited more than 165 million times.
Since 1998, the company has been notified on the Helsinki Stock Exchange (CTY1S).